Supply chain management of photovoltaic solar energy systems in Colombia and their current situation
photovoltaics systems in Colombia, supply chain, non-interconnected areas, supply chain orientation, Petri NetAbstract
Photovoltaic solar energy in Colombia has become a significant alternative to replace or supplement the generation of conventional energy, so it is important to analyze the supply chain of photovoltaic systems in the country. Currently there is no link in the stages of the logistic processes of solar energy, only isolated links that hinder their expansion. According to the foregoing, this article performs an analysis of the supply chain of photovoltaic systems in Colombia at a general level, especially in non-interconnected areas. On the other hand, it aims to contemplate the strategy of supply chain orientation, first step to mature a model that allows to strengthen all the stages of the supply chain of this type of systems in Colombia, in this case it use a Petri Net like tool for its mathematical representation.
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