Screening toxicity derived from pesticides at sediments of the Pasto River on the stretch La Playita-Puente La Carolina
Ecotoxicity, Pasto River, Pesticides, Sediments, Toxicity, Vibrio fisheriAbstract
A screening toxicity was carried out at sediments of the Pasto River on the stretch La Playita-Puente La Carolina at its upper basin. This is meaningful farming area where water has multiple uses. For this purpose, was determined the acute toxicity from sediments by using the photo-luminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri. The hypothesis of the study was that any microcontaminants derived from pesticides uses on the stretch are transported between water/sediments matrix and are responsible for the levels of toxicity found. Varying levels of toxicity were found and possibly the predominant phenomenon is the transport of pesticides or their metabolites in the body of water. In addition, it is inferred that the concentration of pesticides may not be the main cause of the levels of toxicity found and could be associated with other substances derived from the dumping of waste water and leachate.
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