Biorefining of the Prosopis juliflora fruit for ethanol production. Evaluation of the conditioning and pretreatment stages
Biofuels, biorefining, carob fruit, dilute acid pretreatment, hydrothermal treatment (autohydrolysis)Abstract
The fruits of Prosopis juliflora have the potential to be raw material in the production of bioethanol due to its high carbohydrate and fiber content, and its high productivity in arid localities. P. juliflora fruits were characterized chemically, its sun drying kinetics was modeled and 2 physicochemical pretreatments were evaluated. The fruits showed a moisture content of 12.51% on a wet basis (wb), 14.84% protein, 2.27% fat, 20.15% fiber, 58.49% Nitrogen Free Extract (NFE) and 4.25% of ash, on dry basis (db). The prediction sun drying of Faneite-Suárez model was the best, within the range of prevailing weather conditions. The acid pretreatment (6% of sulfuric acid, for 20 min, at 121 ° C) got the highest content of reducing sugars, 37.85%. The evaluated fruits can be used in the production of bioethanol through a technically feasible and sustainable processing route.
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