Strips groups detection in images of banknote packages in different lighting and background conditions using an SVM classifier


  • Daniel Mauricio Florez Carvajal Universidad de la Salle
  • Germán Andrés Garnica Gaitán Universidad Militar Nueva Granada



Binary classification, confusion matrix, histogram concatenation, support vector machines, wavelet transform


This article shows the results of a binary classification of images with two different lighting and back­ground conditions for a specific case of strips groups detection in banknote packages. The detection is made with a support vector machine classifier trained with features obtained from the images through the application of the wavelet transform and histogram concatenation techniques. For each lighting and background condition a different classifier is trained, the confusion matrix is obtained for each one and then are compared through the recall, specificity, precision, accuracy and Fscore parameters.


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How to Cite

Strips groups detection in images of banknote packages in different lighting and background conditions using an SVM classifier. (2017). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 14(1), 145-154.