Thermal assessment of the replacement of the drainage layer material in green roofs by used tires - experimental analysis in a II climatic moist period of 2016 in Bogotá, Colombia


  • Juan Antonio Aragón Moreno Universidad Libre
  • Juan David Espitia Gonzalez Universidad Libre



Insulation, Climate Change, Tires, Recycling, Thermal Regulation, Green Roofs


In the Bogota city, the used tires end in streets, wetlands and even in residential spaces, represen­ting an aesthetic, sanitary and environmental problem. To analyze quantitatively the advantage of thermal regulation of these modified with tires in comparison to the green roofs extensive conventional is the object of study. By means of pilot test six buildings were constructed to scale, for two groups handled of agreement to the type of roof: Eternit® gray fiber cement and Spanish clay tile. The information of temperature internal temperature (Ti) and the temperature environment (Ta) were taken in the field two times a day in climatic conditions of a moist season in Bogota. The results show that, the conventional green ceilings ultimately attenuate the inter­nal temperature of the constructions relative to the control system for each group, about 0,5°C; However, differences were observed between the behavior of ceilings with drainage substitutes, increasing 0,2 ° C for “Eternit®”, and decreasing 0,5 ° C for “Española”.


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How to Cite

Thermal assessment of the replacement of the drainage layer material in green roofs by used tires - experimental analysis in a II climatic moist period of 2016 in Bogotá, Colombia. (2018). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 14(1), 21-36.