Embracing change
A reflection on the reinvention of university professors in the new century
Pedagogical practices, teacher, student, higher educationAbstract
This article seeks to reflect on the importance of reinventing teachers in higher education environments and the way in which they can adapt to change and transform their pedagogical and didactic practices in order to make their work one that contributes to the different aspects of social, cultural and educational issues, understanding the challenges of today. For this, it is convenient to rescue the contributions of authors such as Ken Bain, Martha Nussbaum, Paulo Freire, Anna Forés and Esther Subias, who have promoted various approaches focused on the student, reflection, inclusion, equity, critical pedagogy and adaptation to the changing demands of higher education. All without forgetting that teaching and learning processes have undergone a transformation in the last decade, which has changed the way in which individuals access information, in which students learn and professors teach. The above perspectives could provide a basis for those teachers in training, active teachers and even university students who are interested in understanding the world of today's university teacher, the pedagogical strategies that should begin to be applied in higher education and the humanistic transformation in this context.
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