




The year 2022 is a special year for the Universidad Libre: the first 100 years of its foundation are celebrated and, with joy and joy, the signing of Agreement 06 is commemorated, through which this House of Studies was born, in the framework of the Liberal Convention held at the Tolima Theater in that city, in the year 1922.

For this reason, the Verba Iuris Magazine joins the celebration of this centenary of the founding of the Free University with this edition, as a tribute to the principles of academic freedom, examination and learning, universality, ideological pluralism, morality, equality, fraternity, democracy, academic excellence and sustainable development, which have been an institutional pillar in these hundred years.

This is why the articles published in issue No. 47 mention topics related to the principles of the Free University, referring, among others, to Labor Law in the texts: "Mobbing or Harassment at Work" and "The Reinforced Labor Stability and COVID-19 in Colombia” from a socio-legal analysis.

On the other hand, topics are found within the framework of international relations and current problems in the articles “El Ateo de las Golondrinas Bogotá: Modalities, Digital Harassment and Probatory Difficulties. The Case of the Judicial Branch”, “Food Security: Hunger, Pandemic and Poverty, Challenges of Current States” and “The Legal Nature of Andean Community Law”.

Regarding issues related to the internal armed conflict, reflections are presented in the articles "Repercussions of Humanitarian Demining in the Peace Agreement in Colombia: a View from the Department of Antioquia" and "Sexual Violence against Women in the Framework of Macrocase 001 : The Body as a Scene of Conflict, Order No. 19 of 2021”.

Finally, there is an analysis related to Fundamental Rights, in the work "Dynamics on Good Governance around the Regulation of Access to ICTs in Colombia: The Internet as a Mediator of Social Rights".


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Author Biography

  • Norhy Esther Torregrosa Jiménez, Universidad Libre

    Doctorate in Law from the Externado University of Colombia. Magister in Political Sciences Javeriana University. Master in University Teaching. LaSalle University. Teacher-Researcher Free University. Member of the research group State, Law and International Studies. Research Line Social Conflicts Categorized A1. E-mail: norhys.torregrozaj@unilibre.edu.co CvLAC: https://n9.cl/2z79 ORCID: 0000-0003-1445-2166 Google Scholar: https://acortar.link/CJJeR







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