Culture and political transformation in Jesús Martín-Barbero and Fredric Jameson




Late modernity, culture, political transformation, totality


This paper explores the approaches regarding culture and political transformation in the works of Jesús Martín-Barbero and Fredric Jameson. Both authors, from different contexts and theoretical perspectives, offer analytical frameworks to understand the dynamics of domination and social struggles in the context of late modernity. In this regard, the present article examines their positions on the relationship between the social dynamics of the local and the global, the role of political subjects in late capitalism, and the function of culture in the processes of hegemony and counter-hegemony. Particularly, it analyzes how Martín-Barbero, from a Latin American perspective, emphasizes the importance of local cultural struggles and the construction of popular identities, while Jameson, from a more global perspective influenced by his analysis situated in the United States, examines the dynamics of late capitalism and its impact on culture. Special attention is given to how both authors approach the Marxist conception of totality and the possibilities for transformation that each stance allows to envision. This analysis seeks to contribute to the philosophical and sociological debate on the relationship between culture and politics, offering a comparative reading that identifies both the points of convergence, and the tensions present between the two theorists. 


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Author Biography

  • Jesús Andrés Gallón Montes, Universidad de Antioquia

    Este artículo se deriva de un extracto de la investigación realizada en el marco de la maestría en filosofía de la Universidad de Antioquia en 2023. Para un mayor desarrollo de los elementos aquí tratados, el lector puede dirigirse a: Gallón Montes, J. A. (2023). Industria cultural y transformación política. Un análisis a partir de las perspectivas teóricas de Fredric Jameson y Jesús Martín-Barbero[Trabajo de investigación de maestría]. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Culture and political transformation in Jesús Martín-Barbero and Fredric Jameson. (2024). Sin Fundamento, 29, 25-44.