Iusmarxism and conditioning of law by the economy. The case of pension financial sustainability


  • Carlos Eduardo Amaya Perdomo Universidad Libre




Iusmarxism, conditioning of the right by the economy, pension financial sustainability, right to pension, social security


The document vindicates the thesis of Iusmarxism about the conditioning of the right by the economy based on an example: the limitation of the pension right by an economic principle such as financial sustainability. Consequently, the article cites the most important references of Iusmarxism on the subordination of the right to the economy, describes the restriction of the right to a pension due to pension financial sustainability and ends with the author's conclusions. 


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Author Biography

  • Carlos Eduardo Amaya Perdomo, Universidad Libre

    Master in Administrative Law, graduated from the Postgraduate Institute of the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Libre, Bogotá Section. Specialist in Administrative Law, graduated from the Postgraduate Institute of the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Libre, Bogotá Section. Specialist in Labor Law and Social Security, graduated from the Postgraduate Institute of the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Libre, Bogotá Section. Specialist in Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory, graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the Universidad Libre, Bogotá Section. Lawyer, graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Libre, Bogotá Section. Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Libre, Bogotá Section. Student of the Specialization in Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law, Political and Social Sciences of the National University of Colombia, Bogotá Campus. Reflection article resulting from the research carried out by the author during his simultaneous studies of specialization in Labor Law, Social Security and Philosophy of Law.


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How to Cite

Iusmarxism and conditioning of law by the economy. The case of pension financial sustainability. (2024). Sin Fundamento, 23, 3-12. https://doi.org/10.18041/1692-5726/sin_fundamento.23.2017.12390