Perception of officials of institutions of higher education department Quindío, with regard to university social responsibility


  • Ana Gladys Torres Castaño
  • Lina Marcela Marcela Sánchez Vásquez



Social engagement, social inclusion, higher education institutions, social management model, social responsdabilidad university


Recent trends in the field of social responsibility, leading to institutions of higher education in the department of Quindio to play a more active and committed to the social, environmental and economic aspects that make the factors of interest in the same paper, involving both internal and external related parties, in order to achieve compliance with their mission objectives in the field of social and community development. Through the characterization of university social responsibility in higher education institutions of Quindio education, ways to apply manifest, allowing to some elements as a starting point for future research on the subject and set as is the relationship the same with the different bodies that make up in terms of social commitment. Likewise, information (application questionnaire) of officials responsible for social responsibility was obtained, to know the attitude of the institutions against it, and to identify the level of information they have on the subject, and how it is the articulation of this with its institutional policies, programs and projects that develop.


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How to Cite

Perception of officials of institutions of higher education department Quindío, with regard to university social responsibility. (2015). LIBRE EMPRESA, 12(2), 49-76.