Identification of levels in the quality services from petitions, complaints and claims in bank in Colombia 2007-2014


  • María del Pilar Torres Gómez



Petitions, complaints, claims, service quality, banking sector


Since the quality of service in a financial institution, such as banks have as indicators Petitions, Complaints and Complaints of its users, in this research such measures in the case of credit cards at Colombian banks from 2007 to 2014. In order to contribute to takes decisions about the marketing of financial services and customer relationships; information was obtained from the Financial Supervisory Authority and multivariate analyzes were performed in SPSS. The main results show that the problems presented by banks and increasing the number of complaints are related to operational issues such as customer service.


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How to Cite

Identification of levels in the quality services from petitions, complaints and claims in bank in Colombia 2007-2014. (2015). LIBRE EMPRESA, 12(2), 11-26.