Systemization of experiences had been lived in the first fair systems simulation and analysis of cost experiences
Systemization of experiences, simulation cost accumulation systems, teaching strategyAbstract
Fair simulation and analysis of cost systems is a teaching strategy in the training of students cost Public Accounting program at the Universidad del Atlántico, focused on the development of communication skills, professional and higher order skills. It corresponds to the socialization of the projects on the implementation of cost systems based on simulation of real business information. This research aims to examine critically analyzes the first version of the Fair, on June, 2016. The method used was the systematization of experiences. Among the results determining highlighted three main components: Contribution of innovation, success factors and areas for improvement; with their respective manifestations, causes and conclusions. One of the conclusions derived from the systematization of the Fair, is that the simulation of production processes allows an approach student with real situations of industrial enterprises and the development of higher order skills which in turn generates the appropriation knowledge of cost accounting issues.
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