Associativity as a development factor in the public agenda of the department of Quindío: The case of the agricultural and agroindustrial sector


  • Lina Marcela Sánchez Vásquez



Development, associativity, public policy, agroindustrial sector


The development conceived as a state of full realization of the life of a territory requires the confluence of factors that allow achieving this purpose, for this, development plans become a tool for the prioritization of needs in terms of territories and possibilities of resources. Quindío is no stranger to this reality and has established prioritizing productive bets through their public policy instruments, some of these Internal Agenda for Productivity and Competitiveness, the Departmental Development Plan 2012-2015 Quindío ( reference years for analysis) and agenda Science, Technology and Innovation, among others. Considering the department as part of so-called coffee axis and the agro industrial sector as a catalyst for this approach underlies the concern with reference to the possibilities of strengthening and development of considering the associative culture as a key factor in the implementation of plans, programs sector projects described in the local development agenda, the concern arises for the contribution he made to this purpose the development plan 2012-2015 Quindío the associative culture of the agricultural and agro industrial sector.


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How to Cite

Associativity as a development factor in the public agenda of the department of Quindío: The case of the agricultural and agroindustrial sector. (2016). LIBRE EMPRESA, 13(2), 58-72.