Systemic as a management tool in work teams. Analysis of its application in the portfolio area of entities belonging to the banking sector
Systemic, Systemic coaching, Productivity, Effectiveness, Human work teams, Banking sector, Banking portfolioAbstract
The banking sector in its capacity as a financing agent of the country’s economic growth carries out credit operations aimed at different population segments; these are developed by interdisciplinary human teams that address the different stages of the process. By means of a descriptive analysis of quantitative type it is intended to determine the impact that the systemic through the application of systemic Coaching has on the productivity of these teams. The findings of this research process make it possible to determine the current situation of the members of the team in terms of the degree of appropriation they have over their work, determining critical variables for achieving the objectives; Noting the evolution brought about by the implementation of a process Systemic coaching in order to improve the effectiveness in the portfolio area, enhancing the human and technical resources of the entities in the interest of a mutual benefit for these and their clients.
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