Conflicts in family businesses generated by succession
Family businesses, Conflict, Succession, Generation, ContinuityAbstract
Family businesses in Latin America are more common than is believed, complex relationships to manage are triggered from these types of organizations and conflicts are a very marked reality when there is succession in this type of companies, these arise when one or several members of the organization feel that there are imbalances, inequity or preferences that affect them, when appointing who will occupy the leadership of the organization as a result of the succession. Conflicts of this type of society usually arise in the relationship that occurs from the family nucleus and this is reflected in the company, in some cases the member who feels affected raises proposals to resolve the conflict and their approaches may be attended, accepted and resolved, with agreement and consensus. It is because of the above that the importance of investigating these conflicts within an organization arises, since if they are not given adequate and timely management, the company tends to disappear, because each of the members of the same will work for their own good and Uncommon, allowing the founder's legacy to endure.
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