Management styles and its effects in the educative quality of public institutions of Bogotá




Educational management, management styles, educational quality


The development of this researching work is setting-up of a multi-case study of three institutions of the public sector of Bogotá which is based on a theoretical construct about management styles, educational direction and the endogenous and exogenous factors that affect the chores of managers, as well as the impact of these aspects on the educational quality in the educative institutions through the performing of continuous improvement processes, following the guidelines of the Ministry of National Education of each National Development Plan. It is based on a qualitative analysis, with a hermeneutic approach in which the participation of professors, managers and coordinators of the institutions is considered relevant to investigate their perception and define among the findings, characteristics, abilities and management dynamics that belong to the director of public institutions of the educative sector


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How to Cite

Management styles and its effects in the educative quality of public institutions of Bogotá. (2018). LIBRE EMPRESA, 15(2), 55-74.