Micropolitics and macropolicy in educational organizations
Equity, Justice, inequality, and other normative and measurement criteria, Multinational corporations, international economic activity, Public spending of the administration and educationAbstract
The political dimension of the educational institutions is related to two approaches. One internal - or of micropolitics of education - and other structural -macropolític and macreoeconómic-; being necessary the overlap of the two approaches to learn more properly the reality. In this research article critically analyzes the political dimension that multilateral agencies considered in their reflections on education for Latin America. Methodologically, explores the perspectives that to regard provides the Organization of Ibero-American States IEO and are compared with the aims of education. It was found that the educational organizations are conceived as part of bets bioeconómics worldwide for the coming decades. It was concluded that the Latin American peoples should be separated from these policies to overcome their social problems.
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