La utilización de películas como casos de estudio en la formación de directivos y empresarios


  • Carlos Alberto Franco Guitiérrez Universidad Libre


Teaching, learning, adult education, films, education, case studies for learning


The results obtained by applying a survey o ten questions to a population of 160 graduate, undergraduate and continuing education students is presented in this paper. The purpose of the survey is to answer the following question: Can the use of film clips in the classroom contribute to learning and retention of knowledge for management students? The study is based on the work of Bali and Wikramasinghe of the Coventry University faculty of UK, replicated in Germany and the United States and the experience of the author from more than ten years of teaching employing movie clips as a means to grasp and clarify concepts in such diverse areas as leadership, organization management, conflict resolution and teams, to mention a few.


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How to Cite

La utilización de películas como casos de estudio en la formación de directivos y empresarios. (2010). LIBRE EMPRESA, 7(1), 65-74.