Multilateral organizations and aims of education in Latin America


  • Martha Isabel Cabrera Otálora Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
  • Libia Esperanza Nieto-Gómez Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
  • Reinaldo Giraldo Díaz Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia



Public policy and regulation, Public spending of the administration and education, State Administration, Autonomous and local, health, education and welfare


From the comparison between inequality of educational opportunities and the socioeconomic level of Latin American students is sustained that the relationship between these two variables has a cause framework and is to define education as a strategy to achieve sustainable economic development with equity. In this context this research article tries to answer: Is it possible the equity while the purpose of education is the sustainable development - economic growth - of Latin American States? Question that warns a negative response. The analysis of the main variables that violate the equity and equality of educational systems, both in coverage and in access to public education, leads to the imperative of thinking a different purpose that compromises the overcoming of the paradigm of development And focus on the common good which is characterized by solidarity, where the teaching performance is a result of doing what is desirable in function of the community and not on the basis of the scope of economic indicators international, outside the community itself. It was concluded that there is a need for other logics for thinking about education in Latin America involving intercultural dialog and intercientífico and looks different from the economic, promoted by the speeches of development.


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How to Cite

Multilateral organizations and aims of education in Latin America. (2017). LIBRE EMPRESA, 14(2), 215-227.