Implications of the use of personal branding in the faculty of Higher Education
Personal branding, higher education, collaborative learning, globalization, intangible values, identityAbstract
The personal branding turns out to be fundamental in the contemporary relations, where social networks, high competitiveness and global world challenges drive to consider people to improve themselves as companies, achieving major visibility between the public and reaffirming positive values that help to position the individual as a brand. In this sense, it is pertinent to analyze how there might create a personal brand focused on the faculty, who assembles the important criteria to emphasize the image of the professional in the academic local area but also on an educational global market. In order to understand the perception of the subject of study, and by means of a quantitative investigation, a test was applied to teachers specialized in different areas and students of administrative careers at Sergio Arboleda University, which announced the importance of the implementation of this form of “personal promotion”, resulting to be beneficial in major measure for the teacher due to the fact that it marks a point of reference and differentiation between his or her colleagues, but also achieving benefits for the student that receives information of professionals and their knowledge and specific experience, allowing a collaborative learning, with increased interaction and participation.
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