Organizational structure for environmental management at the tourist destination of Puerto Padre
Management, environmental, tourist destination, structureAbstract
Assuming that the current global trend in tourism leans towards places where direct contact with nature prevails and a spirit of environmental responsibility and awareness rules, it is extremely important to deal with environmental issues and environmental management for developing tourist activity. It must be noted that the tourism industry some times threatens ecosystems at the locations at which it takes place such as the highly vulnerable coast areas. The purpose of the work we are presenting is to propose an organizational structure that favors environmental management performance at the tourist destination of the municipality of Puerto Padre in the province of Las Tunas in Cuba. It essentially evolves around an assessment of environmental management based on the implementation of an indicator system. The assessment provides a description of this tourist destination and an evaluation of the environmental performance of the organizational structure. Lastly, it discusses a proposal for an organizational structure that coordinates environmental management with the participation of the stakeholders involved. In conducting this research work, theoretical and empirical methods were employed which made it possible to prepare an organizational structure for environmental management in a tourist coast area aiming at high environmental performance and better quality tourism.
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