Marketing by jewelry MSMEs in the city of Santiago de Cali
Jewelry, marketing, strategies, product, price, market, promotionAbstract
This article describes the results of research carried out to identify the marketing strategies employed by jewelry MSMEs in Cali, analyzing first of all the profile and then describing the strategies developed and oriented toward the product, price, promotion, and market. To carry out the study, information was gathered from the companies registered in the Cali Chamber of Commerce (73 in total) whose business owners, for the most part, raised the need for an individual in charge of marketing. This would involve promoting the business both nationally and internationally, given that, due to the low marketing level of the companies of the sector, the business is largely unknown and most of the business owners do their own marketing in a personal and empirical manner. Most companies in the sector are unaware of their mission and vision, lacking also a strategic plan that enables them to be more competitive oriented. Due to current opportunities, it is possible for companies in the sector to connect with programs that encourage and support the same in their development.
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