Comparison of the level of competitiveness of small and large entrepreneurs who participated in the macro business round called Colombians buying Colombian held in Palmira in 2012.


  • Julio Cesar Montoya Rendón Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
  • Henru Hurtado Bolaños Universidad del Valle


Businessperson, SME, competitiveness


The purpose of this research was to compare the level of competitiveness of SME and large company entrepreneurs who participated in the macro business round, Colombians buying Colombian, promoted by Propaís in Palmira on August 3, 2012. To this end, a theoretical framework of competitiveness was developed, and the field work was carried out with 23 buyers, businesspeople with large enterprises, and 79 salespeople who correspond to SME owners. The research was of a quantitative and descriptive nature, with a cross-sectional design, sample design with finite population, a 5% error margin, and a 95% confidence level. Simple random sampling was used, and Excel was used as the data processing software. The research evaluates the competitiveness of buyers (large businesses) and sellers (SMEs). The results are shown in a comparative table, based on the following thirteen variables: least cost production, quality of production, compensation, decision making, profit, technology, labor force, infrastructure, social conditions for competitiveness, principles and values, relationship with suppliers and buyers, and fair trade. As significant data, it was found that there are great similarities between the competitiveness of the SMEs and that of large businesses, and there are significant technology differences. Large business owners have a greater possibility of access to technology that applies mass production techniques and guarantees quality, an option which is not available to owners of SMEs. In the other twelve variables, there is a complete similarity between the two groups of businesspeople studied.


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How to Cite

Comparison of the level of competitiveness of small and large entrepreneurs who participated in the macro business round called Colombians buying Colombian held in Palmira in 2012. (2012). LIBRE EMPRESA, 9(2), 13-32.