Rethinking the concept of control
Organization, control, interest, power, teleological model, human needs, legitimacy, stakeholdersAbstract
Building a strategic oversight model of organizational architecture entails conducting a thorough conceptual review of control and its various historical classifications. This review arrived at the conclusion that these classifications have been made with a focus on functional bases, always referring to environments where control is segmented by responsibilities, opportunities, and specialties or coverage with an overall commitment to the Anglo-Saxon paradigm. There is an absolute lack of conceptual definitions, and this poses a challenge to embarking on the task of rebuilding or improving the concept based on a schema that characterizes it as social control within an organizational environment. The process begins by redefining the concept of organization, for which the author turns to a historical reconstruction of the concept. Having redefined the concept of organization, the concept of control is defined as establishing barriers to prevent unbridled exercise of power on the part of corporate stakeholders in pursuit of their interests by using organizational actions as a starting point.
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