New trends in pension, if Colombia


  • Álvaro Pío Guerrero Balcázar Universidad Libre
  • Gustavo Nixon de la Cruz Giraldo Universidad Cooperativa
  • Herman Sánchez Arteaga Universidad del Valle
  • Sonia Sánchez Arteaga Universidad Libre


Financial impact, multifunds system, national treasury securities, risk profile, portfolio investment, pensions funds, capital flows


One of the major concerns with an aging population is economic sustainability. With the pension system, the government is striving to meet this need. Depending on the country, different pension systems exist and vary with respect to the rights of an individual when he reaches the age of pension eligibility. These systems are funded by long-term investments made by the Colombian pension fund, which acts as the administrator of pensions for current and future recipients. This study presents a response to questions about the rights of pension recipients and the economic resources obtained by the administration of investment portfolios. To do this, the study used two methods: a) summary to understand fundamental elements and transition to more complex understanding, and b) analysis to understand the cause and effect relationship of the research variables. The result was the possibility to conceptualize the principal investment bonds on behalf of the fund, the financial impact of market fluctuations on the investment portfolio and the current pension model from the perspective of the investment of resources; however, these results question which variable, the rights or the returns, is the most important.


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Investfinancieros (2008), Impacto financiero de las fluctuaciones de mercado en portafolios concentrados en títulos de tesorería nacional en los fondos de pensiones, página 2





