Aspectos de cambio en la organización y la función de planeación en la propiedad horizontal


  • Omar Javier Solano Rodríguez Universidad del Valle


Organizational Environment, Planning, condominiums, strategy


The article argues that the entities subject to horizontal property regime required and can be applied administrative management models that employ the disciplines that study organizations to determine the organizational setting and planning processes. To this end, we propose a management model based on the proposal of David (1997) and which is the product of a research project that culminated planting a management model to manage Residential and buildings subject to horizontal property regime. The article answers the question, ¿how to make a strategic planning process in the condo?. To this end, we use a methodology designed to suggest training programs aimed at developing skills of managers, from the empirical results from research carried out within the research project that led to the economic and accounting faculty at the University free in the city of Cali. The text presents an adaptation of the planning process, part of the concept of responsibility of the administrator and the development of skills to determine the behavior of organizations subject to the horizontal property regime. Furthermore, the formulation requires the Administrator planted a creative and innovative nature, the analysis process is systematic and organizational raised stems from the conclusion of the analysis of threats and opportunities of the environment, therefore it can come from any source and any time.


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How to Cite

Aspectos de cambio en la organización y la función de planeación en la propiedad horizontal. (2009). LIBRE EMPRESA, 6(2), 133-149.