Investigación formativa desde la perspectiva diacrónica

Una experiencia en metodología de la investigación


  • José Eduardo Lemos de la Cruz Universidad Libre
  • Samuel Alberto Sánchez Cabrera Universidad Libre


Formative research, diachronic consideration, comprehensive manner, professional research, accounting research courses, accounting research methodology, research formation, didactic creativity


This article has the aim of approaching the formative research concept from science’s diachronic perspective, particularly with the comprehensive manner proposed by Thomas Samuel Kuhn, which differentiates it from professional research. The latter is only mentioned for comparison and as a research learning process route in classroom settings for accounting research, and accounting research methodology courses, as well as research seminars for professor. The concept allows a critical review of traditional ways courses and contents operate, difficulties students face, assumptions and ways determinations are taken in the classroom setting. Then a proposal is established that displaces in movements the written component’s traditional importance, as it is understood as an end and with which assumptions are put together and these “invisibilize” and distort the acknowledgement of education’s purposes. This displacement in movements is towards a secondary role, a pretext, as a mediating device that contributes to recuperating the individual’s relevance and his/her learning-teaching relations in research education. This displacement places the professor’s actions among other constructive didactic backgrounds andmovements, given the importance taken on by the edifying relation between the subjects (student-professor) in the classroom. For this last part, it is not the aim of this article to deliver recipes that resolve the problems descriptively considered; differently, it locates possible assumptions that can allow didactic creativity given the specific contexts that professors must respond to.


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Kuhn, Thomas S. El camino desde la estructura. Editorial Paidós. Barcelona. 2002. 384 p.

Kuhn, Thomas S. La estructura de las revoluciones científicas. Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica (EFE). Bogotá. 1992. 268 p.

Mockus, Antanas. Representar y disponer. Un estudio de la noción de representación orientado hacia el examen de su papel en la compresión previa del ser como disponibilidad. Universidad Nacional de Colombia- Centro Editorial. Bogotá 1988.206 p.

Palacios Bernal Juan C. “Pensamiento y prácticas docentes, en la implicación de una lógica como praxis formativa para una educación contemporánea” Editorial. Universidad Católica de Manizales. Manizales. 2005. 74 p.







How to Cite

Investigación formativa desde la perspectiva diacrónica: Una experiencia en metodología de la investigación. (2009). LIBRE EMPRESA, 6(1), 51-61.