¿Es realmente el enfoque de competencias integrador del capital humano con la estrategia en las organizaciones?
Human resource, organizational acting, competitions, strategic integrationAbstract
Previous works highlight the good employment of the human resource in the execution of the strategy as a key factor for the obtaining of a high organizational development. The literature refers to the emergent Focus of Competitions like useful solution to contribute it. The appearance of recent efforts to align the development of the focus from the organizational level with the singular, is shown like a feasible solution. However, through the bibliographical study and statistical treatment, it is demonstrated the asymmetry and functional character in their development, marking the necessity to find solutions more integrated strategically and with a traverse character that allows to the organizations to use their human resource optimally as source of increment of the organizational acting in a sustainable way, to respond to the necessities of economic and social growth of the country. This way, we build our definition of strategic integration of the organizational acting based on competitions.
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