El problema de lo público


  • Andrés Eugenio Matheus Rocha Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia


State, public benefit, human rights, ideology, democracy


Since the times in which it was opted by the democracy like government’s improved form which substituted the government of the kings, ideas like common and public benefits appeared. These ideas characterized the acting of the state. The kings were considered benevolent when they distributed some small part of their goods to the poor people or when they made justice and this acted reprehending the outrages of their relatives. In the democracy the idea of dignity appears, and of human rights based in this same dignity. What gave legitimacy to the state was to confront the challenges of guaranteeing the life worthy of their residents starting from the guarantee of rights, among those that it cared the preservation of the common benefit granting equality understood in three lines: in front of the law, because the citizenship equaled to all. It was the main statute of the modern society. Equality of opportunities that was guaranteed offering education and health so that the impoverished sectors can continue being included in the competition; and lastly the equality of results However, this last one, in fact didn’t pursue to equal the people because the democracy is highly a bourgeois invention. It was that, being the capitalist pattern, it was tried to redistribute the wealth making that those that more were benefitted of the pattern of bourgeois democracy they showed a face of solidarity with the social group that sustained it. This model of bourgeois democracy is arriving to its end. To the states it is untenable to look for the common benefit because the national groups enter in serious difficulties of having the control of the national wealth and they have been forced to associate for alliances or to melt inside more powerful groups to continue receiving benefits but completely eliminated of the taking of decisions. Then, what sustained the national apparatus, the bourgeois state, loses the bonds that sustain their domain and the state is forced to defend what maintained more openly hidden as ideology. The main representation of the bourgeoisie. Once assumed this position openly, appears clear that the ideology of the common and public benefit disappears or it becomes untenable as argumentational speech. The state apparatus has always been to the service of the bourgeois class and the common and public Benefit are railings on those the domain and its own legitimation has been covered. That means that common and public benefit is no more than hopes to disguise the power and to concert respect and genuineness in front of the people. It is necessary then if is wanted to make possible the coexistence, to redefine the terms of the public thing and the content of the same one. This challenges to all the professions but especially to the public accountant’s professional exercise. Because its occupation gives out of the public benefit but to determine their work it is necessary to define the content and the last sense of the public thing, to guaranteed the social coexistence.


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