Ciclo de planeación y control para el modelo de gerencia del sector público de Cali
Management for results, control, global economy, planningAbstract
In the modern management it is required more and more that the reached results provide satisfaction with a high level of quality in the benefit of the goods and services that surrender to the community like user or beneficiary of them. “The global economy is that where the goods, the services, people, the abilities and the ideas go with freedom among geographical borders. The global economy that has relatively few artificial restrictions, expands and it really complicates the environment in which the company acts”. Generating an imperative and a demand for the manager having appropriate methodologies for its administration, in such a way that the prospective results are reached and that these can be valued in all its extension by the citizenship who at the same time acquires bigger importance and it is more aware of the role that carries out in the economic, political and social development, has bigger knowledge provided by the information, the observation, the evolution of the intelligence and the acquired experience, as well as of its incidence in the participation to obtain products and services that really satisfy their necessities and expectations.
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