La calidad de los datos y las decisiones empresariales


  • Mercedes Delgado Fernández Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverria
  • José Alberto Vilalta Alonso Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverria


Data quality, quality, data


In this paper it is commented of the paper of the data like support of the decisions that the directive make and as important resource of the company. So that the decisions are objective it is not enough they take based on the data but rather, also, these they should have the appropriate quality, what means that they are adapted to the use that they are sought to give. Reference is made to the effect that it has more than enough the economy, image and prestige of the organizations has the poor data quality, to the multidimensional character of the data quality and the necessity of taking initiatives that allow to solve these problems that are presented in this field.


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