Estudio exploratorio sobre aprendizaje autónomo de lenguas extranjeras e implementación de un centro de recursos


  • Imelda Zorro Rojas Universidad Libre
  • Deisy Baracaldo Guzmán Universidad Libre


Autonomous learning needs analysis, self-access center, counselors training


This paper reports the initial stages of an on-going research project carried out in a teacher education program. The study aims at exploring autonomous learning processes in which trained counselors at a resource center, offer assistance to foreign language learners. The paper presents: the theoretical framework, the needs analysis carried out, the training program for counselors, the training of students and the implementation of the center.


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How to Cite

Estudio exploratorio sobre aprendizaje autónomo de lenguas extranjeras e implementación de un centro de recursos. (2014). Interacción, 10, 171-192.