Teaching-learning process for social projection by applying process control in the Mechanical Engineering Program of the Universidad Libre


  • Martha Cecilia Sánchez Rodríguez Universidad Libre
  • Ismael Márquez Lasso Universidad Libre




Teaching-learning process, Social projection, Process control, Management, Quality and development


This research deals with the teaching-learning process of Mechanical Engineering, conducive within the framework of Social Projection applying process control in a coherent and innovative way, through an interdisciplinary approach. The students who attend the chair develop entrepreneurial skills with social and citizen value, performing practices in vulnerable communities through technological tools, for example, platforms in Moodle with thematic contents where there are demonstration videos and study material in a virtual classroom. As expressed by Hernández, P., and Arias, F., in their article System of Social Practices on Process Management at the Universidad del Magdalena: the development and promotion of projects that encourage research involving different social sectors, will allow the enrichment of the culture in general and its growth as future professionals. (Hernández, P.; Arias, F. 2014). The methodology has an impact in terms of management, quality and development, since it contributes to content that frames the control of processes from the academic point of view, which bring as a result, the incorporation of users in training or projects, applying the Theories of Mechanical Engineering with relevant results of entrepreneurship, multidisciplinary samples, etc., this, advances teaching approaches in virtual environments, as a contribution to technology and commitment to the development of Engineering in Colombia.

The challenge of using Process Engineering with information technology and communication platforms in an automated way, allows us to reach a greater number of users, it also makes visible the contribution to the communities through the Social Projection and its products - results, since the participating students can interact in the virtual classroom projecting educational models with emphasis on process control. The approach of the teaching of Mechanical Engineering of the Universidad Libre, takes into account the technological changes and supports the professional profile towards these new methods of learning, which allows the academy to prepare for the times to come along with the productive sectors. The Social Projection will then serve, as one of the means of application for teaching of Engineering and its new trends.


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