Central Axis Of Patient Safety: From The Quality Indicators Of Care
Health indicators, patient safety, health policy, risk management, nursingAbstract
Introduction: Since patient safety is a global concern, which aims to prevent situations that affect the patient's integrity during the care, it is necessary to identify the influence of the nursing professional in this context, thus the discipline has to charge direct care and responsibility of ensure care without risk, but the lack of scientific evidence prevents identify their role. Objective: To identify quality indicators in nursing care during the implementation of the patient safety policy. Methods: Documentary review with a qualitative approach. Inclusion criteria: articles published from 2009 to 2017, 100 articles were found and 60 were selected to include the search parameters, the collection technique was performed by a data matrix and the analysis by care quality indicators. Results: The results obtained show that the most prevalent indicator according to the review of articles was safe administration of medications with 46.6%, risk of falls by 27%, ulcers by pressure 15%, phlebitis finally 11.3% of the total of articles consulted. Conclusion: It is evident that nursing guarantees patient safety with the development and implementation of quality care indicators.
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