Challenges of Public Health Based on Evidence as a Fundament for the Development of Health Policies Abstract We


  • Gladys Judith Basto Hernández Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina
  • María Nelcy Muñoz Astudillo Universidad Libre



public health, evidence-based medicine, public policies, health research policy


We reviewed some of the challenges that the production of knowledge faces, by using the methodology public health based on evidence, as the scientific fundament for health policies in Colombia. From the conceptual aspect· scientific community agreements on conceptions of health, public health, scientific evidence and public health based on evidence. On the methodological aspect· difficulties in assessing the effectiveness of the actions taken in health, and to distinguish between the validity of the assessment process, in order to identify the success or failure of such intervention. On the contextual aspect: overcoming the curative paradigm and the prioritization of investment in proven and effective projects. It was concluded that the generation of appropriate and rational health policies requires the political will of all stakeholders, both for t ction of evidence, as in the evaluation and implementation of the best decision.


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How to Cite

Challenges of Public Health Based on Evidence as a Fundament for the Development of Health Policies Abstract We. (2014). Cultura, 11(1), 91-101.

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