Capacidades dinámicas, una fuente de ventaja competitiva
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Capacidades dinámicas, estrategia, turbulenciaResumen
El estudio de las capacidades dinámicas se ha ido posicionando en el campo de la dirección estratégica dada su importancia en la generación de ventajas competitivas temporales y en la generación de desempeños superiores. En este artículo revisamos el origen del concepto en el management, resaltamos su importancia en el enfrentamiento de la turbulencia del entorno, y presentamos una aplicación práctica. Se recurre a la metodología cualitativa del estudio de caso, identificando los cambios realizados por la comercializadora Británica ASOS desde sus orígenes. Se describe el proceso llevado a cabo en su interior para crear y gestionar capacidades dinámicas generadoras de ventaja competitiva.
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Ahenkora, K.; Adjei, E. (2012). A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective on the Strategic Management of an Industry Organisation. Journal of Management and Strategy, 3 (3), pp. 21-27.
Ambrosini, V.; Bowman, C. (2009). What are dynamic capabilities and are they a useful construct in strategic management?
International Journal of Management Reviews, 11 (1), pp. 29-49.
Andreeva, T.; Chaika, V. (2006). Dynamic Capabilities, What they need to be dynamic? St Petersburg State University, Institute of Management.
Aragón-Correa, J.A.; Sharma, S. (2003). A Contingent Resource-Based View of Proactive Corporate Environmental Strategy, Academy of Management Review, 28 (1), pp. 71-88.
Augier, M.; Teece, D.J. (2007). Dynamic Capabilities and Multinational Enterprise: Penrosean Insights and Omissions, Management International Review, 47(2), pp. 175-192.
ASOS.COM (2012). Aboutus. Recuperado el 12 de noviembre de 2012. Disponible en: aspx?xr=1&mk=na&r=3
Barreto, I. (2010). Dynamic capabilities: A review of past research and an agenda for the future. Journal of Management, 36 (1), pp. 256-280.
Bravo, E. (2005). Proyecto de tesis: Identificación y Caracterización de las Capacidades Dinámicas que intervienen en el contexto de la Innovación de Producto. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Barcelona.
Cepeda, G. y Vera, D. (2007). Dynamic capabilties and operational capabilities: A knowledge management perspective. Journal of Business Research, 60, pp. 426-437.
Cockburn, I.M.; Henderson, R.M.; Stern, S. (2000). Untangling the Origins of Competitive Advantage, Strategic Management Journal, 21(10/11), pp. 1123-1145.
Collins, D.J. (1994). Research Note: How Valuable are Organizational Capabilities? Strategic Management Journal, 15(48), pp. 143-152.
Danneels, E. (2008). Organizational Antecedents of Second-Order Competences, Strategic Management Journal, 29(5), pp. 519-543.
Dodgson, M. (1993). Organizational learning: a review of some literature. Organization studies, 14(3), pp. 375-394.
Døving, E. and Gooderham, P.N. (2008). Small firm accountancy practices as business advisors: A dynamic capabilities view of their scope of services. Strategic Management Journal, 29, pp. 841-857.
Edwards, J.R. (2001). Multidimensional constructs in organizational behavior research: An integrative analytical framework. Organizational Research Methods, 4 (2), pp. 144-192.
Eisenhardt, K.M.; Martin, J.A. (2000). Dynamic Capabilities. What are They? Strategic Management Journal, 21(10/11), pp. 11051121.
Ellonen, H.; Jantunen, A.; Kuivalainen, O. (2011). The Role Of Dynamic Capabilities In Developing Innovation-Related Capabilities. Lappeenranta University of Technology.
Gilbert, C.G. (2006). Change in the presence of residual fit: Can competing frames coexist? Organization Science, 17(1), pp. 150-167.
Gonzales, G.; Navas, J.; López, P.; Delgado, M. (2010). Concepto e implicaciones de las capacidades dinámicas desde un enfoque de dirección del conocimiento. Madrid: Universidad Complutense.
Griffith, D.A.; Harvey, M.G. (2001). A Resource Perspective of Global Dynamic Capabilities, Journal of International Business Studies, 32(3), pp. 597-606.
Helfat, C.E. (1997). Know-How and Asset Complementarity and Dynamic Capability Accumulation: The case of R&D. Strategic Management Journal, 18(5), pp. 339-360.
Helfat, C.E.; Peteraf, M.A. (2003). The Dynamic Resource-Based View: Capability Lifecycles. Strategic Management Journal, 24(10), pp. 997-1010.
Helfat, C.E.; Raubitschek, R.S. (2000). Product Sequencing: Co-Evolution of Knowledge, Capabilities and Products. Strategic Management Journal, 21, (10/11), pp. 961-979.
Henderson, R.; Cockburn, I. (1994). Measuring Competence? Exploring Firm Effects in Pharmaceutical Research, Strategic Management Journal, 15 (Winter Special Issue), pp. 63-84.
Hodgkinson, G.; Healey, M. (2011). Psychological foundations of dynamic capabilities: reflexion and reflection in strategic management. Strategic management Journal 32(13), pp. 1500-1516.
Kogut, B.; Zander, U. (1992). Knowledge of the firm, combinative capabilities, and the replication of technology. Organization Science, 3(3), pp. 383-397.
Lavie, D. (2006). Capability Reconfiguration: An Analysis of Incumbent Responses to Technological Change. Academy of Management Review, 31(1), pp. 153-174.
Lee, J.; Lee, K.: Rho, S. (2002). An Evolutionary Perspective on Strategic Group Emergence: A Genetic Algorithm - Based Model. Strategic Management Journal, 23 (8), pp. 727–747.
Makadok, R. (2001). Toward a Synthesis of
Resource-Based and Dynamic-Capability Views of Rent Creation. Strategic Management Journal, 22(5), pp. 387-401.
Marcus, A.A. & Anderson, M.H. (2006). A general dynamic capability: Does it propagate business and social competencies in the retail food industry? Journal of Management Studies, 43(1), pp. 19-46.
Mengue, B. Auh, S. (2006). Creating a firm-level dynamic capability through capitalizing on market orientation and innovativeness. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, vol. 34, pp. 63-73.
Menon, A. & Mohanty, B. (2008). Towards a theory of dynamic capabilities for firms. Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, 6th AIMS International Conference on Management.
Moliterno, T.P. & Wiersema, M.F. (2007). Firm Performance, Rent Appropriation, and the Strategic Resource Divestment Capability. Lead Article, Strategic Management Journal 28 (11), pp. 1065-1087.
Oliver, C. & Holzinger, I. (2008). The Effectiveness of Strategic Political Management: A Dynamic Capabilities Framework. Academy of Management Journal, vol. 33, nº 2, pp. 496-520.
Ortaga, A.; García, T.; Santos, M. (2012). El desarrollo de nuevos productos a la luz y a la sombra de las capacidades dinámicas. Cuadernos de Administración, 25(45), pp. 113-135.
Pisano, G.P. (1994). Knowledge, Integration, and the Locus of Learning: An Empirical Analysis of Process Development. Strategic Management Journal, 15, pp. 85-100.
Palomares, L.; Mertens, L. (2006). Capacidades
Dinámicas de Aprendizaje en las Organizaciones. Seminario Internacional Globalización, crecimiento y desarrollo. UNAM, México.
Rindova, V.P. & Kotha, S. (2001). Continuous Morphing: Competing Through Dynamic Capabilities, Form and Function. Academy of Management Journal, 44(6), pp. 1263-1280.
Schreyögg, G. & Kliesch-Eberl, M. (2007). How dynamic can organizational capabilities be?
Towards a dual-process model of capability dynamization. Strategic Management Journal, 28 (9), pp. 913-933.
Slater, S.F.; Olson, E.M.; Hult, G.T.M. (2006). The moderating influence of strategic orientation on the strategy formation capability - performance relationship. Strategic Management Journal, 27 (12), p. 1221.
Sund, K. (2011). Understanding strategy. Midlesex University.
Teece, D.J. (2000). Strategies for Managing Knowledge Assets: The Role of Firm Structure and Industrial Context. Long Range Planning, 33(1), pp. 35-54.
Teece, D.J. (2007). Explicating Dynamic Capabilities. The Nature and Microfoundations of (Sustainable) Enterprise Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 28(13), pp. 1319-1350.
__________.; Pisano, G. (1994). The Dynamic Capabilities of Firms: An Introduction. Industrial and Corporate Change, 3(3), pp. 537-556.
__________.; __________.; Shuen, A. (1997). Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management. Strategic Management Journal, 18(7), pp. 509-533.
Toro, J. (2007). Teoría de los recursos y capacidades. Disponible en la Web: 15 de abril de 2012.
Wang, C.L. & Ahmed, P.K. (2007). Dynamic Capabilities: A Review and Research Agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, vol. 9, nº 1, pp. 31-51.
Winter, S.G. (2000). The Satisficing Principle in Capability Learning. Strategic Management Journal, 21, (10-11), pp. 981-996.
__________. (2003). Understanding Dynamic Capabilities. Strategic Management Journal, 24, pp. 991-995.
Yin, R. (1994). Case study research: Design and methods (2 ed.) Beverly Hills, Ca, USA: Sage Publications.
Zahra, S.A.; Sapienza, H.J.; Davidsson, P. (2006). Entrepreneurship and Dynamic Capabilities: A Review, Model and Research Agenda. Journal of Management Studies, 43(4), pp. 917-955.
Zajac, E.J.; Kraats, M.S.; Bresser, R.F.K. (2000). Modeling the Dynamics of Strategic Fit: A Normative Approach to Strategic Change. Strategic Management Journal, 21(4), pp. 429-453.
Zollo, M. & Winter, S.G. (2002). Deliberate Learning and the Evolution of Dynamic Capabilities. Organization Science, 13(3), pp. 339-351.
Ahenkora, K.; Adjei, E. (2012). A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective on the Strategic Management of an Industry Organisation. Journal of Management and Strategy, 3 (3), pp. 21-27.
Ambrosini, V.; Bowman, C. (2009). What are dynamic capabilities and are they a useful construct in strategic management?
International Journal of Management Reviews, 11 (1), pp. 29-49.
Andreeva, T.; Chaika, V. (2006). Dynamic Capabilities, What they need to be dynamic? St Petersburg State University, Institute of Management.
Aragón-Correa, J.A.; Sharma, S. (2003). A Contingent Resource-Based View of Proactive Corporate Environmental Strategy, Academy of Management Review, 28 (1), pp. 71-88.
Augier, M.; Teece, D.J. (2007). Dynamic Capabilities and Multinational Enterprise: Penrosean Insights and Omissions, Management International Review, 47(2), pp. 175-192.
ASOS.COM (2012). Aboutus. Recuperado el 12 de noviembre de 2012. Disponible en: aspx?xr=1&mk=na&r=3
Barreto, I. (2010). Dynamic capabilities: A review of past research and an agenda for the future. Journal of Management, 36 (1), pp. 256-280.
Bravo, E. (2005). Proyecto de tesis: Identificación y Caracterización de las Capacidades Dinámicas que intervienen en el contexto de la Innovación de Producto. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Barcelona.
Cepeda, G. y Vera, D. (2007). Dynamic capabilties and operational capabilities: A knowledge management perspective. Journal of Business Research, 60, pp. 426-437.
Cockburn, I.M.; Henderson, R.M.; Stern, S. (2000). Untangling the Origins of Competitive Advantage, Strategic Management Journal, 21(10/11), pp. 1123-1145.
Collins, D.J. (1994). Research Note: How Valuable are Organizational Capabilities? Strategic Management Journal, 15(48), pp. 143-152.
Danneels, E. (2008). Organizational Antecedents of Second-Order Competences, Strategic Management Journal, 29(5), pp. 519-543.
Dodgson, M. (1993). Organizational learning: a review of some literature. Organization studies, 14(3), pp. 375-394.
Døving, E. and Gooderham, P.N. (2008). Small firm accountancy practices as business advisors: A dynamic capabilities view of their scope of services. Strategic Management Journal, 29, pp. 841-857.
Edwards, J.R. (2001). Multidimensional constructs in organizational behavior research: An integrative analytical framework. Organizational Research Methods, 4 (2), pp. 144-192.
Eisenhardt, K.M.; Martin, J.A. (2000). Dynamic Capabilities. What are They? Strategic Management Journal, 21(10/11), pp. 11051121.
Ellonen, H.; Jantunen, A.; Kuivalainen, O. (2011). The Role Of Dynamic Capabilities In Developing Innovation-Related Capabilities. Lappeenranta University of Technology.
Gilbert, C.G. (2006). Change in the presence of residual fit: Can competing frames coexist? Organization Science, 17(1), pp. 150-167.
Gonzales, G.; Navas, J.; López, P.; Delgado, M. (2010). Concepto e implicaciones de las capacidades dinámicas desde un enfoque de dirección del conocimiento. Madrid: Universidad Complutense.
Griffith, D.A.; Harvey, M.G. (2001). A Resource Perspective of Global Dynamic Capabilities, Journal of International Business Studies, 32(3), pp. 597-606.
Helfat, C.E. (1997). Know-How and Asset Complementarity and Dynamic Capability Accumulation: The case of R&D. Strategic Management Journal, 18(5), pp. 339-360.
Helfat, C.E.; Peteraf, M.A. (2003). The Dynamic Resource-Based View: Capability Lifecycles. Strategic Management Journal, 24(10), pp. 997-1010.
Helfat, C.E.; Raubitschek, R.S. (2000). Product Sequencing: Co-Evolution of Knowledge, Capabilities and Products. Strategic Management Journal, 21, (10/11), pp. 961-979.
Henderson, R.; Cockburn, I. (1994). Measuring Competence? Exploring Firm Effects in Pharmaceutical Research, Strategic Management Journal, 15 (Winter Special Issue), pp. 63-84.
Hodgkinson, G.; Healey, M. (2011). Psychological foundations of dynamic capabilities: reflexion and reflection in strategic management. Strategic management Journal 32(13), pp. 1500-1516.
Kogut, B.; Zander, U. (1992). Knowledge of the firm, combinative capabilities, and the replication of technology. Organization Science, 3(3), pp. 383-397.
Lavie, D. (2006). Capability Reconfiguration: An Analysis of Incumbent Responses to Technological Change. Academy of Management Review, 31(1), pp. 153-174.
Lee, J.; Lee, K.: Rho, S. (2002). An Evolutionary Perspective on Strategic Group Emergence: A Genetic Algorithm - Based Model. Strategic Management Journal, 23 (8), pp. 727–747.
Makadok, R. (2001). Toward a Synthesis of
Resource-Based and Dynamic-Capability Views of Rent Creation. Strategic Management Journal, 22(5), pp. 387-401.
Marcus, A.A. & Anderson, M.H. (2006). A general dynamic capability: Does it propagate business and social competencies in the retail food industry? Journal of Management Studies, 43(1), pp. 19-46.
Mengue, B. Auh, S. (2006). Creating a firm-level dynamic capability through capitalizing on market orientation and innovativeness. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, vol. 34, pp. 63-73.
Menon, A. & Mohanty, B. (2008). Towards a theory of dynamic capabilities for firms. Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, 6th AIMS International Conference on Management.
Moliterno, T.P. & Wiersema, M.F. (2007). Firm Performance, Rent Appropriation, and the Strategic Resource Divestment Capability. Lead Article, Strategic Management Journal 28 (11), pp. 1065-1087.
Oliver, C. & Holzinger, I. (2008). The Effectiveness of Strategic Political Management: A Dynamic Capabilities Framework. Academy of Management Journal, vol. 33, nº 2, pp. 496-520.
Ortaga, A.; García, T.; Santos, M. (2012). El desarrollo de nuevos productos a la luz y a la sombra de las capacidades dinámicas. Cuadernos de Administración, 25(45), pp. 113-135.
Pisano, G.P. (1994). Knowledge, Integration, and the Locus of Learning: An Empirical Analysis of Process Development. Strategic Management Journal, 15, pp. 85-100.
Palomares, L.; Mertens, L. (2006). Capacidades
Dinámicas de Aprendizaje en las Organizaciones. Seminario Internacional Globalización, crecimiento y desarrollo. UNAM, México.
Rindova, V.P. & Kotha, S. (2001). Continuous Morphing: Competing Through Dynamic Capabilities, Form and Function. Academy of Management Journal, 44(6), pp. 1263-1280.
Schreyögg, G. & Kliesch-Eberl, M. (2007). How dynamic can organizational capabilities be?
Towards a dual-process model of capability dynamization. Strategic Management Journal, 28 (9), pp. 913-933.
Slater, S.F.; Olson, E.M.; Hult, G.T.M. (2006). The moderating influence of strategic orientation on the strategy formation capability - performance relationship. Strategic Management Journal, 27 (12), p. 1221.
Sund, K. (2011). Understanding strategy. Midlesex University.
Teece, D.J. (2000). Strategies for Managing Knowledge Assets: The Role of Firm Structure and Industrial Context. Long Range Planning, 33(1), pp. 35-54.
Teece, D.J. (2007). Explicating Dynamic Capabilities. The Nature and Microfoundations of (Sustainable) Enterprise Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 28(13), pp. 1319-1350.
__________.; Pisano, G. (1994). The Dynamic Capabilities of Firms: An Introduction. Industrial and Corporate Change, 3(3), pp. 537-556.
__________.; __________.; Shuen, A. (1997). Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management. Strategic Management Journal, 18(7), pp. 509-533.
Toro, J. (2007). Teoría de los recursos y capacidades. Disponible en la Web: 15 de abril de 2012.
Wang, C.L. & Ahmed, P.K. (2007). Dynamic Capabilities: A Review and Research Agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, vol. 9, nº 1, pp. 31-51.
Winter, S.G. (2000). The Satisficing Principle in Capability Learning. Strategic Management Journal, 21, (10-11), pp. 981-996.
__________. (2003). Understanding Dynamic Capabilities. Strategic Management Journal, 24, pp. 991-995.
Yin, R. (1994). Case study research: Design and methods (2 ed.) Beverly Hills, Ca, USA: Sage Publications.
Zahra, S.A.; Sapienza, H.J.; Davidsson, P. (2006). Entrepreneurship and Dynamic Capabilities: A Review, Model and Research Agenda. Journal of Management Studies, 43(4), pp. 917-955.
Zajac, E.J.; Kraats, M.S.; Bresser, R.F.K. (2000). Modeling the Dynamics of Strategic Fit: A Normative Approach to Strategic Change. Strategic Management Journal, 21(4), pp. 429-453.
Zollo, M. & Winter, S.G. (2002). Deliberate Learning and the Evolution of Dynamic Capabilities. Organization Science, 13(3), pp. 339-351.
Cómo citar
Capacidades dinámicas, una fuente de ventaja competitiva. (2017). Criterio Libre, 11(19), 245-261.