Coronavirus (covid-19) and damage insurance law in Colombia and the world, a ratio proportional to the number of infected
Coronavirus (covid-19)- derecho- derecho de seguros economía incumplimiento contractual poliza de segurosAbstract
During the course of the month of November 2019, the Sars-CoV2, Covid 19 or Coronavirus virus was discovered in Wuhan, Hubei province in China, which focuses on obstructing the respiration of those who contract it, even causing death, the consequence of this Virus transcends beyond science and medicine that tirelessly struggles to control it. Other aspects of society such as the economy and the law suffer debacles and paralyzes that force economic development to stop as a measure to avoid the spread of the virus throughout the world. Colombia is not the exception to this situation and in the country, due to the closing of the economies, the Law, and especially the Insurance Law, begins to receive more boom because of the non- compliance of works, credits, and contractual obligations, having to go to the policies and insurance that cover the contingencies of the contracts, however there are not many positive responses that are obtained by validating these protections and that will be explained in this text.
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