Diagnóstico sobre las necesidades organizacionales de las agroindustrias de la planta de café majavita


  • María Teresa Manosalva Blanco Universidad Libre
  • Henly Mylene Flórez Villamizar Universidad Libre


Added value, agribusiness, branding certification, coffee, entrepreneurship, management


Many of the agribusinesses that have been generated in the region, and which transforms coffee in the coffee plant Mahavite have evolved in the production part, however, they have stalled in the process of undertaking, without any advice to become companies not only produce but processed, distributed and marketed their own brand of coffee brand. In order to diagnose the business situation of each coffee, this project is done in order to provide support in the process of generating value added coffee, obtaining the areas where it is needed the formulation of studies either market , cost, financial etc. For which surveys, workshops and conferences in which different agribusinesses, where they found were generated that, although many are in the process of trademark registration, formulation of mission, vision and company policies, they it would be helpful advice from knowledgeable people from different sciences to business and consolidate as well as the importance that for them the acquisition of knowledge which would support the administrative part of their agribusinesses. Concluding that the administrative aspects where more flaws could be found were parts of marketing and advertising and proper cost management and finance. This because the agro-entrepreneurs still do not have adequate staff in these segments.


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How to Cite

Diagnóstico sobre las necesidades organizacionales de las agroindustrias de la planta de café majavita. (2018). El Centauro, 6(9), 57-62. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/centauro/article/view/2412