bacteriocins determination of samples of microbial consortia native mangrove ecosystem in the department of atlantic as a potential source of biomedical new treatments."
Bacteriocins, antimicrobial, saturation, precipitation, proteins, mangroveAbstract
The mangroves are ecosystems of high primary productivity; they are rich in organic matter and have high microbial diversity. The pressure of the physical conditions of the mangrove ecosystems has been linked to the production of special metabolites and unique molecular structures for microorganisms. Because of the developing of microbial resistance to antimicrobials in the world, it is necessary the research of new solutions that allow to counteract the effect of those pathogens.
On this study, I was looking isolate, identify and evaluate the antimicrobial bacteriocins activity produced by native microbial consortia of mangrove swamp at the Mallorquín swamp, against pathogens microorganisms of clinical interest.
Mild antimicrobial activity of the extract CN11, CN 8, P4C3, was found against S. aureus ATCC 25923, mild antimicrobial activity of P4C3 extract was found against E. coli BLEE, mild antimicrobial activity of the extracts P4C3 y CN9 against Klebsiella Pneumoniae ATCC 700603; moderate antimicrobial activity for protein extract of CN9 against E. coli ATCC 25922.
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