Validity as a Basis of Identity and Regulatory Belonging to a Legal System
System, Legal, Rule, Validity, Belonging, IdentityAbstract
There are various criteria for a norm to be part of a legal system, among the variables is that of normative validity, in the sense of conformity with the others that are part of it; for this reason, it is analyzed the validity and the criteria that imply it to establish if it constitutes a necessary and sufficient condition of belonging to a system of norms.
In the same way, validity has been taken as the basis of normative identity, which implies that they have common but not equal features or characteristics, since it is a set of norms that make up a legal system, which excludes equality between them.
Morals and ethics are the foundation of validity, but they do not constitute an exclusive criterion, to the extent that others determine compliance with other mandatory regulations within the legal system, such as the rule of recognition, for example.
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