Conflict analysis: some theoretical and ethical considerations
Political Violence, Theories on Violence Social, Cultural and Political Revolutions, Objectivity in Social Sciences ResearchAbstract
Hope for development seems to be weathering. In recent years, research on development issues and developmental strategies has been replaced by a burgeoning literature on conflict analysis, conflict transformation and peace building. As the World is confronted with the catastrophic effects of free trade and open financial markets globalization –a catastrophe in terms of quality of life for the majority of the people, as well as in terms of social, gender and economic equality and environmental sustainability– we all are defied by the urgent need to make sense of this state of widespread political violence, Human Rights violations and massive international migration.
The purpose of this work is to consider some ethical, theoretical and methodological issues about conducting research on conflict, and especially when dealing with the victims and their attempt to have their voices heard, and to move from victimization to social agency.
In part one we give some consideration to the impact of contemporary violence and its manifestations. The second part reviews some of the most influential theories on political violence. The last part deals with some ethical and methodological challenges that stem from the task.
posconflicto en Revista Via Inveniendi et Iudicandi, Vol. 11 (1) pp. 37-57.
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