Te process of transitional justice uruguayo
Transitional Justice, Rule of Law, Armed conflict, Reparation of Victims, Truth, Justice, Inter-American Court, Human Rights, International Criminal CourtAbstract
The issue of transitional justice is very broad because it seeks to compensate the victims and to answer many questions about truth and justice, with the added objective of combating impunity and restore the foundations for peaceful coexistence in society. JT processes, wandering between the actual policy and principles of justice, have to solve: How to respond to the most serious injustices maintaining a bias of justice in the reaction?
Transition patterns, but may be subject to the control of international human rights courts, cannot be standardized, because they vary and depend on the characteristics of a society and many variables that can determine that in similar situations can be adopted models opposite transition. There is no justice system as a model applicable transitional solution for all cases.
The type of transitional justice may vary over time, and it is closely related to the balance of power between the current and the former ruling elite. However, transitional justice is not just a local phenomenon, because it is subject to controls international bodies for the
protection of human rights as the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and international bodies like the International Criminal Court responsible for the persecution criminal of some crimes considered serious.
Therefore, a society is not entirely free to adopt an approach based on forgetfulness and lack of investigation and punishment model, for example, by a general and unrestricted amnesty; and therefore, some principles have universal validity, such as the duty of reparation for victims, the duty to investigate to find out what happened (truth) and the duty to remember.
If we analyze the Uruguayan case, we can see that transitional justice is not an exclusively local instance or to be resolved by the citizens according to democratic principles of solving serious conflicts, but it is part of various processes or procedures that remain linked to certain state obligations to the international community and human rights agenda.
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