Marca pessoal como elemento decisivo de um bom professor
Marca pessoal, desenvolvimento da qualidade dos professoresResumo
Personal branding is the act of managing how you want to be remembered. For some companies it is really important to achieve for their professionals prestige and image, being this reflected as an excellent personal brand that allows them to develop themselves optimally in the work environment. Same thing happens with universities: they define the quality of their courses by the quality of the person who teaches it. This is why the development of a positive personal brand is important for the professionals in every field and likewise is necessary to define which aspects form a good teacher in order to have more remembrance into the university population. This paper attempts to identify these qualities that define a good university professor, through a descriptive study with a quantitative approach, performed from a survey of students at the University Sergio Arboleda, obtaining representative results on the characteristics that must have a university lecturer based on three basic criteria: personal, educational and teaching, highlighting the importance of managing the website and social networks of universities in creating personal brand of these professionals.
Universidad de León.
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