The evaluation of articles consists of a double-blind process, in which experts in the area of knowledge to be evaluated, external to the publishing institution, participate.  The referee determines, based on the criteria established in the FORMAT FOR ARTICLE EVALUATION – LIBRE EMPRESA JOURNAL – UNIVERSIDAD LIBRE - CALI, whether the document is published without modifications, with modifications from the proofreader, whether it is returned for corrections or whether it should be rejected, and may issue recommendations to the authors. Once the concept has been sent, the referees may request proof of their participation in the evaluation process.

Recommendations for the completion of evaluation reports 

  1. The observations made shall be substantiated and properly explained.
  2. Care should be taken with language, avoiding expressions that could lead to misinterpretation.
  3. There must be consistency between the assessment made of the manuscript and the recommendation for its publication.
  4. Manuscripts should be rejected when:

          - Their scientific interest and relevance is nil or low

          - Methodological errors compromise the validity of its content

          - The approach is superficial, either descriptive or informative only

          - Bibliographic support is not robust.

          - Poor writing so that they need to be rewritten in whole or in large part.

Libre Empresa evaluators must be attentive to resolving any concerns the publishers may have about the publication of authors.

Treat the manuscript with the commitment to confidentiality that is expected in this type of evaluation of original material: no plagiarism, retention, copying. Evaluators must inform the editor of any conflicts of interest that would prevent him/her from objectively evaluating the text.