The ought of accounting regulation, a look into the environment, which is concerned and which should focus
Accounting regulation, ways of thinking, new paradigmAbstract
The aim of this paper is to present an analysis to the framework of accounting regulation - Colombian prosecutor, and issues it addresses, while those whom the author believes should try. The analytical method used is descriptive to take relevant aspects in the field of accounting policy, which are contrasted with the result of languaging developed with other historians, writers and authors specialized in the field of education. That confrontation develops, and theoretical concerns arise that the reader can weigh in plain language, in which aspects of social interest which must take accounting, as a necessary exercise, because touching the forms of coexistence generate new Items to be explored and known, in the form of an education woven into the new paradigm, theme just invites universities to redirect the program of Public Accounting in their program content, turning to new knowledge product the evolution and fate to be given to a needy society sources that address the new conflicts and stagnation that seems to be that science is.
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