Higher Education and Training, pillar for competitiveness of developing countries


  • Hugo Becquer Paz Quintero
  • Alberto de Jesús Pastrana Palma




Competitiveness, Higher education, advanced training, education and competitiveness


This research arises from the necessity to show the importance of superior education for the competitiveness of the countries, as part of the justification of the doctoral thesis entitled: Technological factors for the technological gestion model of the distance graduate programas in the Colombian higher education institutions. This research was based on the 2013-2014 World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report, which describes the 12 pillars with which 148 participant countries can achieve competitiveness. In this way, the idea of evaluating the importance of higher education and training arised, in respect the other pillars, to identify its importance in the generation of competitiveness of the rest of the countries in the world.


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How to Cite

Higher Education and Training, pillar for competitiveness of developing countries. (2015). LIBRE EMPRESA, 12(1), 95-109. https://doi.org/10.18041/libemp.v23n1.23105