Economic outlook of companies in the commune 18 of the city of Cali
MSMEs, training needs in MSMEs, Formality of MSMEs, working capital of MSMEs, Organizational Learning of MSMEsAbstract
The MSME provide dynamism to the Colombian economy because they represent 99.9% of companies in this country and generate 80% of employability. These economic units are characterized by to take weaknesses of administrative and legal type that must be strengthened to improve their competitiveness and development. Therefore the interest arise of researchers is to realize a diagnostic that allows to Unicatólica to impact in positive way on its influence sector (commune 18 of Cali City). To this end, the following question was propose: What are the economic characteristics and training needs of micro and small enterprises in the commercial area of the 18 commune of the Cali city? where it were considered terms as formality-informality, organizational structure, working capital management and tax regime, that were established the theoretical bases in the light of which the results were interpreted. To collect the results, was built a survey, consisting of 63 questions, which was validated through a field test. The captured data were managed using SPSS version 17, which allowed the generation of the results presented here and the subsequent conclusions.
el 26 de 09 de 2014, de
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