Poultry farming, an expeditious plan in a neuro business connection for the Catatumbo region


  • Luis Alfredo Jiménez Rodríguez
  • Guido Alfonso Guerrero Durán
  • Ramiro Gamboa Suárez




Strategy, plan, farm, poultry, business


The replacement of illegal crops may be a successful strategy to prevent drug traffickers from taking over spaces abandoned by the guerrilla groups. To this end, the National Integrated Substitution Program (PNIS, from its Spanish acronym) was created to replace illegal crops as a component of a comprehensive rural reform, acknowledging that the best way to deal with this issue is by addressing the precarious living conditions of farming communities. Along these lines, this business research project in the municipality of Tarra (North Santander) focuses on the production and sale of chicken eggs of semi-local characteristics - a property that results from the semi-intensive open-range breeding of poultry (grazing) to achieve clean, sustainable, and cost effective production, as organic and ecological practices make it possible for birds to find most of their food under natural conditions.


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How to Cite

Poultry farming, an expeditious plan in a neuro business connection for the Catatumbo region. (2017). LIBRE EMPRESA, 14(1), 211-240. https://doi.org/10.18041/libemp.2017.v14n1.27110