A comparative analysis of investment and funding for innovation in the manufacturing and services industries in Colombia


  • Bernardo Barona-Zuluaga
  • Jorge Alberto Rivera-Godoy




Entrepreneurial finance, innovation, funding for intangible assets, corporate finance, funding mix


This article is aimed at analyzing and comparing scientific, technological, and innovative activities that benefit from investment on the part of innovative companies in the manufacturing and services sectors in Colombia, and identifying the various sources of funding available. To accomplish these objectives, after a brief review based on aggregated data of investment on and funding for innovation in Colombia, DANE [National Statistics Department] Surveys on Technological Development and Innovation in the Manufacturing [EDIT IV (2007-2008), EDIT VI (2011 - 2012) and Services Industries [EDITS III (2010-2011)] were used. The analysis and interpretation of information are based on the economic theory of business funding. The information from the above three surveys reveal that, despite differences between investing and funding for innovation in the manufacturing and services industries, these differences focus on the value reached by the percentages, but not in the ranking of priorities: the resources are used preferentially in the investment of machinery and equipment and the main source of financing that is used is self-funding (equity).


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How to Cite

A comparative analysis of investment and funding for innovation in the manufacturing and services industries in Colombia. (2017). LIBRE EMPRESA, 14(1), 11-27. https://doi.org/10.18041/libemp.2017.v14n1.27101