The large non-alcoholic beverage company in Colombia: profitability and EVA




Economic value added (EVA);, market value added (VMA), financial performance, efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness indicators, non-alcoholic beverage company


It is intended to know the financial performance of the large non-alcoholic beverages companies in Colombia in the 2014-2018 period, by analyzing and comparing the financial indicators that account for its growth, financial performance and economic benefit. It is found that this sector presents annual variable returns on capital, mainly caused by the orientation of efficacy in the administration of expenditures and the use of positive financial leverage; In addition creates economic value added (EVA) because the profitability of the net operating assets after taxes is higher than the cost of capital. However, the return on capital is lower than that generated by external counterpart sectors in the world and emerging economies; But the EVA created by each invested money unit is only surpassed by global comparable sector. These findings should be deepened in homogeneous groups of companies of different size and geographic location


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Author Biography

  • Jorge Alberto Rivera Godoy, Universidad del Valle, Cali – Colombia



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How to Cite

The large non-alcoholic beverage company in Colombia: profitability and EVA. (2020). LIBRE EMPRESA, 17(1), 11-24.